
when you can just look at your floating home, and believe she's the most beautiful sight around, even when sitting still, life is bliss and you are indeed blessed.
That is a truly beautiful boat. Congratulations!
She is gorgeous Taru.
A real beauty. I recall when you guys were transitioning to this boat, your needs were simply more space. I am curious to know, why didn't you guys consider a Cat? Is it just a preference thing.
Beautiful. To answer your question in the commentary post, A boat represents OPTIMISM, and with it all the unknown, exciting, and adventure.
- Jeff
Great picture! The only way to make it better would be if you, Taru, were on the bow.
I would love to see pictures of the interior.If it as beautiful on the inside as the outside ,it must be everyone's dream!
It's stunning. Though I will always remember the travels with Chaos that we did and love that boat for it.
I guess you took that picture from the dinghy?
Grant beat me too it. +1 for interior shots!
It's even more than beautiful!!!!!!!!
That surely is a nice *looking* boat.
But can it sail around the world?
Uma beleza!