Let's go pronto

Looks like Cuba
what camera do u use? This is a lovely blog, just found it. It's amazing.
Cuba?! I thought you were going through the canal and on to the Pacific.
Canon 5D Mark II
Like I said here, we still have a long list of things we need to acquire for the boat before we can let go of civilization to that extent. Hopefully going later this year if we can afford it, otherwise the next.
Can you explain how courtesy flags work? Why don't you just fly the flag of your home port all the time?
A courtesy flag is always flown in foreign waters as a token of respect towards the new country you're visiting. You do fly flags of your nationality/ies, as well as the ensign/national flag (which identifies the country in which your boat is registered.)
Courtesy flag beneath starboard spreader on single-masted vessels. Nationality flags for captain and crew on the opposite (port) side. And the ensign at the stern of the boat. Read more here.
Holaaa!! os conocemos a través de la web, navegamos a bordo del Moskito Valiente desde hace más de dos años, partimos desde Valencia. Ahora os escribimos desde Guadeloupe pero prontito partimos hacia Colombia y Panamá. Cuba también está en nuestra lista de próximos y destinos preferidos. Quizá nos encontramos en algún momento, ánimo con la puesta a punto del Duende y buenos vientos. Nuestra web es www.moskitovaliente.com, hasta pronto!! Saludos!!!
A long list of things to acquire? If you're headed to Cuba I hope that includes a 1956 Buick.
I think you're holding the flag upside down. I believe the flag should have a single point at the top, not two. Flip it and you won't offend anyone!
That is the flag of Cuba.
I have visited the island and the people are great!
Cuba... great idea! We are Dutch sailors and just spend 2 months there. Left the boat and travelled around and were longtime on the beautiful island of Cayo Largo. Best beaches we saw and you are all alone there.
see photo's: www.sailpananche.nl
ps love your website, an inspiration for me!
Cuba!!!! You MUST go! It's life changing!
Taru, The photo of you holding the courtesy flag is exactly what I was describing in the email I sent last week. I would not use it in the yacht flags post I mentioned without your permission though. In the event you want to see the post it is at www.muffyaldrich.com
Cheers, BC