How to get dreads

well looks like your smile made it through OK.
Alex was sick ? (is HE pregnant, or what ? ha ha)
I would love to read you about what it felt for you to be "in charge" more than usual ? By the way : congratulations for that !
I can relate on the unintentional dreads! What I have found to work is to wet down my hair and then apply a generous amount of conditioner (like you would normally apply after shampooing). I comb the conditioner through my hair and de-tangle it all while the conditioner is in. When it's all back good again, I rinse and then proceed as usual. I find it works really well without (further) damaging my hair.
Lots of conditioner, fresh water and patience normally does the job. My daughter looks like that every morning at sea. I got rid of the problem when a crazy colombian hair dresser cut my hair of, by misstake :(
Good luck, and sleep tight. /Linda
One word: Sturgeron! Only thing I have found that will stop seasickness once it has begun. Of course I NEVER get sick---well maybe once--.
ahh, i about had dreads when i was working on a sailboat in the caribbean last winter, because i never brushed my hair. i recommend normal conditioner to start with, to brush out the knots. then maybe a conditioning mask made of egg, caster oil, and vinegar. it helps with any damage. good luck!
Have to get some Sturgeron then. Alex isn't sick normally but almost always lately when he has been working too much, physically, on the boat right before we set sail, he gets the bad feeling for the first couple days at sea. Shall try the sturgeron.
May I suggest that you consider buying a Sailrite sewing machine and learn to make a dodger and repair will pay for itself in short order.
Oh god, your poor hair! I went through this after a very rough dive trip. I had to end up cutting my hair off. It was tragic. I had like five women working on my knots for hours with "snail slime." It was so unbelievably painful. I just decided to cut it off. Good luck dear!!!!!!
Moroccan oil or argan oil combed through wet hair will get out the most stubborn knots and tangles.
I have the hair issue on a regular basis. It usually has a nice dose of salt water in it as well.
I take action from the start and put heaps and heaps of leave in conditioner before heading out. I find braiding it with some leave in conditioner through my fingers helps from the start.
Then if it comes lose just re-braid, even if there are some knots already.