In the making

Even John Lennon of the Beatles had trouble hearing his own voice, which is why he usually had some sort of modulation on the later records. Just like he sounded great, I'm sure you sound fine. It's just a shock to hear your own voice when it's not coming from 3 inches from your own ears.
My name is KC Owens, I’m a college student and I love to travel! While cruising the Internet, I found your site and really enjoyed reading your posts. I have been to countries all over Europe with just my backpack and a camera. Since I am a college student and I have significant bills, it can be difficult to find ways to travel the world. However, I have done this several times, with less than ten pounds of luggage and while on a college dime!
I was hoping that you would allow me to write a post for your site to share my tips and tricks with your readers. I put a lot of time into my traveling, it is my biggest passion and I would love to inspire others by sharing my stories, mistakes and triumphs. I look forward to hearing from you!
KC Owens
I cannot wait to see the video .
Meghan Silva's Blog
It is just weird for you. Everybody else hears you that exact way.
Hi Taru
Most people don't like hearing their own voice as they are not used to hearing it as the rest of the world hears it. Instead, it comes to their ears through lots of skin and bone and somehow they think it sounds better that way! But there are some interesting issues attached to hearing one's own voice. Did you know that many people find it impossible to say even a single sentence when they hear their own voice fed back to them (real time) but with a slight delay to it? But the most amazing thing is that if the same thing is done to some people that suffer from verbal stuttering, they find they can talk without the stutter!
I've been following your blog for quite a long time now and in all that time I don't think you have uploaded anything that has either your voice or Alex's on it.
We all wait in expectation!!
Leave the talking in please. You have been hiding your voice since day one, when even back then a number of commentators noticed that and asked to hear your voice.
Do not worry we all sound weird as hell to ourselves in recordings. In fact try not looking in a mirror for 72 hours, then take a look and you even get surprised how you look to yourself.
No one likes their own voices!! Don't worry we will not notice it!
I think everyone would like to hear your voices
Your voice is gorgeous!