
Have either of you been to the US before? Miami, NY, other etc.? You seem surprisingly quiet upon arrival, usually detailing entry into each country, first impressions, observations of the places and people. Nothing about arrival in the US, experience as sailors in doing so, first impressions of the US or Miami or South Beach and its vibe. Very very quiet, can one assumed you got hassled coming in?
Give us your thoughts on all of this please, more interesting to the readers than hemp milk for sure.
Have you tried Almond milk? It's awesome and it's all I drink.
Whole foods is dangerous. I limit myself to 3 trips per year and a time limit of 20 minutes per trip.
How does it compare to Almond Milk?
Be careful about Whole Foods. They have out sourced some of their food purchases to China. What is labeled "organic" was found to not be very "organic". Was in the news recently.
Thanks for the link.
I think Hemp milk has a more subtle taste, almond milk is great but it has a nutty flavor which i don't always appreciate.
I've never tasted Hemp before! I've also heard good things about it. I live about 2 miles from Whole Foods and I have to close my eyes every time I drive by otherwise I would spend ALL of my money there!
Jag håller med dig! Under mina två rundor i Ghana så var bristen på utbudet på mat galet frustrerande i början, men efter ett tag var det så skönt att slippa stressa över det, vilket man faktiskt gör alldeles för ofta men alltid omedvetet. Sedan insåg jag även hur sällan jag åt socker och processerad mat (andra gången jag var där slutade jag med sånt samma dag som jag kom dit) eftersom jag alltid handlade och åt på marknader istället för djungeln som är dessa mataffärer som är fullproppade med frestelser på noga utvalda platser.