South Beach

Hmmm now we know, your left breast is slightly smaller than your right one. How did the boat go on your trip?
Hot. Får man säga det fast man är straight hihi..du är ju vacker så är det ju bara. :)
Yeah perhaps, and my ass is just keeps getting flatter and flatter now that i eat a vegan diet. it's all disappearing. Boat handled it all very good, thanks for asking.
Puss Josefine.
Oh you should have made a stop in the Keys.
Oh. My. God. absolutely beautiful. I'm buying my boat.
The second photo down appears a bit blurry. For that amount of light, I would have used aperture priority at F8; ISO 400
Is that pigmentation on your arm?? I have something similar on my legs.
Yes we all want to know I agree!!
It's funny that after 3 years of showing off my bikini body in public online, today is the first day, i think, that i get this question. Sometimes you surprise me but i appreciate your respectfulness. YES, 10 years ago i filled each with approximately one small cup, or 175 cc. Which isn't very much at all as i wanted to keep my original shape intact, but add a slight bit of volume. I think they are the favorite part of my body. Though looking back, they were as well shaped and beautiful also before the implants. Would it have been today, I'm not sure i would have done the enlargement.
Yes it's pigmentation on my arm, or maybe birth marks as I've had them there for as long as I remember.
Thank you for answering such a personal question. It is obvious you have always had a natural lovely shape to ur chest. I only asked because you had said ur bum had gotten smaller and smaller since u have turned vegan, and so i wondered why not ur breasts?. Anyway, they look beautiful!
I love your honesty with answering the questions :) You are absolutely beautiful regardless! I always look forward to your posts because I feel as though I live vicariously through your adventures. I wish to be able to do the same, too, in the future :)
xx Megann, Style Surgery
Beautiful images!
I can totally relate to you trying to photograph Alex. My hubby runs the other direction as soon as I try to photograph him. He is not a fan of the camera. So frustrating! Lol
Hope you guys enjoy your journey to northern US :) Safe travels!
Hi Taru
Well I think the first commentator is wrong, and I think that there's no appreciable difference between either of your breasts. Any perceived difference is probably caused by the way you are holding your arms in that particular photograph.
I wouldn't normally comment on personal bodily issues, but I think your bottom is your best asset, so to speak! You once modelled a Tommy Hilfiger Bikini, and to be perfectly honest I couldn't see any way any female could have looked better in it and the reason was that your bottom was perfectly balanced with your top.
One question I have always wanted to ask you is, have you ever done any professional modelling in the past?
And as such, have you been trained in that line of work?
Because I've noticed that as soon as you display either clothing or jewellery you strike a different pose, very often with one hand on your head. Now I don't think your head is in any danger of falling off when a camera is pointed at you, so there must be another reason for this characteristic .
Lastly, and in line with many other people that support your blog, I am aware that you are a very good looking woman. But from my own personal view it would not enhance your looks to lose any weight from what you are now. In fact, a few extra pounds in certain areas wouldn't do you any harm at all.
BTW..Alex also looks very good in all the pictures you take of him and like many of your male respondents, I am always very interested in his technical marine inputs and would welcome more of these in your blog.
amazing..amazing body. Please keep being exhibitionistic, we love it
If possible a stop in the the Outer Banks of NC is woth it. Very sail friendly communities
You guys are great. I have been following your blog since that great shot at if and when you make it to NYC come visit City Island YC in Da Bronx. Best harbor in New York to get a mooring while enjoying this great city.
I am sure you know this already, but tropical storm chantal may be coming your way. Shouldnt be bad, predicting 35knot sustained wind by the time it reaches Miami. For some crazy reason I feel the need to look out for you two :)
No Davy I haven't done any professional modeling, unless posing in front of the mirror counts. Though having been whoring out my life online since 2005, you get the training needed to offer a good variation of poses and angles to not having it all looking same same. It's all pretty silly and I do have great amount of distance to this blog and my being in it, but it also helps pay my bills so I guess I'll continue doing what I'm doing for as long as I have readers and viewers. Thanks for following!
We saw that Sean, seems it could be quite calm when it reaches us yes.
Your honesty and attitude are totally refreshing Taru. I wish more bloggers portrayed their real lives instead of posting only fully staged pics that bear no resemblance to their reality.
If you guys are heading straight up to NYC, I will give you a wave if you moor or dock at the 79th Street Boat Basin (fun for a drink or dinner).
Beautiful photos of you and the scenery. Hope you enjoy your visit.
Absolutely gorgeous pics! You had such better weather than we had. I didn't even get any beach shots!!! My husband HATES when I take his pic, which sucks because he's so gorgeous to photograph. :(
Your breast are perfect!
Amazing Booty shots...and love the flirty X in you.... classy to say the least.... Is this the start of the more exhibitionistic blogging..
No better way than to start in south beach... Rev up the blog baby we all love it...
Mr Kixx
Where is your bikini from? It's gorgeous!
It's actually a bra, from American Apparel
Hienoa Taru, hauska lukea blogiasi. Alexissa näen paljon itseäni auttava, purjehtija ja taitava käsistä.
Tsemppiä ja toivottvasti matkanne jatkuu taas pian.