City Love
Summer is here and I feel the love and energy vibrating through my friends emails, skype calls and facebook updates as sun and temperature rises back home. Ibiza openings this past week, girlfriends setting off for a Mediterranean weekend on the water. Terraces and outdoor venues in Scandinavia have kickstarted its most busy and euphoric season once again, and music festival weeks are being planned for. No doubt the best time of the year has just begun and it is always a little bittersweet being here in the tropics and not with our friends, music, bright summer nights and indulging in all the summer love of them combined.
One event both Alex and I would have enjoyed attending if we'd been back home in Europe, is the City Love parties in Barcelona. Our dear friend Oliver is the man behind it with a couple other guys and this one is going to be a massive three day fiesta at three locations. Starting at club Omm, second day out on a chartered catamaran and final day at Surya beach chiringuito followed by another club night at Shoko's. These parties occur during the time of Sonar so another valuable reason to pack your bags and fly over for a few days. If you have a weekend to spare and would want to enjoy one of the most amazing party capitals in the world and do it in good style, then I suggest you having a look on their website or on the City Love Facebook for booking your VIP tickets. Oli make sure to keep this tradition alive till we're back home again!