As I read your posts, it occurs to me that Alex gets a great deal of fulfillment (periodic complaints aside) from the process of working on the boat - something I can personally relate to. I don't get the sense from reading your posts that these are activities you share an interest in, which is a bit worrisome. Are there activities you can both take part in while in port that you can share and do together? No doubt while at sea you both share the journey but these spells in port it almost feels as though you diverge greatly in your interests and almost to some degree your happiness. As a reader I can't help but wonder if you don't need to make a concerted effort to set aside time for activities you both enjoy doing together (though I may be way off base since you no doubt don't blog about everything you do!)
" at least he gets his shit done " .... yes, he sure does....
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To what extent does the heat and humidity sap your energy and motivation? I prefer the cooler crisp climate of New England and wonder how I would do long term in the tropics.
:) my husband, the same..
as I live in Aegean, surrounded tones of yachts and techinical services.. I enjoyed this post. your blog contains our lifestyle and no one writes this kind of stuff. so I really feel I connect with this blog.Thanks for sharing.
ps: I would like to write about your blog, on my blog so I'm going to contact with you soon.