Too much relaxation directly after a period of extended high mental activity can, for some people, lead to deflation, and ultimately depression. It is important not to allow oneself to get to the depression stage as it can then be very difficult to get back out of it.
So one thing that I found very effective many years ago when I had this problem, was to get out of bed early and go for a good morning run. Then breakfast, and get on with the day.
It's amazing what a difference this simple exercise will make to your feeling of well being and ultimately your motivation levels.
Relaxing is good, but too much of it can work negatively, especially for people who are used to an active lifestyle.
Stay active.....go for a sail with no agenda. Still have a dailey schedule. I find a need a vacation from vacation...if not a I start getting lazy and poopy. Also keep social contact...via your blog.
Nothing is good when its part of the plan. We all need time to do nothing - its good for the soul. Love the blog. Struan
Ive just found your blog. Incredible places and peace that I can feel in the air. Take a rest and go back to us. Thanks for inspiration.
If us cruisers can't afford some 'time off' for doing 'nothing', who can? I say embrace it... moods swing, that what they do :) TMR
I took a week off to celebrate our anniversary in the Turks and Caicos and now I'm finding it impossible to get back in the swing of things as well. I guess I'll up my coffee intake for the next week. :) Beautiful pics of you!!!