Hi Taru
Looks like the motivation issues you had last week have evaporated now. A new place and new things to do, so let's get on with it!
On another subject, and one that I know you are very particular about, the English language.
I've noticed that you very often talk about "arriving TO a place". I suspect that this is a natural translation from Swedish.
However, in English it's more correct to say "arriving IN a place".
You could say.... "We arrived AT the marina IN Panama"
Your English is absolutely excellent, but I know you have a high regard for attention to detail.
I find your English quite endearing. Including mistakes...which I don't even notice.
Have a lovely time exploring the city.
Dear Taru and Alex
Welcome to the Pacific, even though you boat hasn't quite made it yet. I enjoy your blog.
Sydney Australia
How exciting!!!!!