Always something

I just changed the gaskets (packboxar) in the waterpump the last day. A bit tricky to get back the impeller. How did you clean the fresh water tank in your Hallberg Rassy? I am doing the cleaning now but it´s really difficult to reach all the palces.
Just went through same thing....broke off one of the brass bolts in the salt water pump while replacing the impellar. A 20 minute job turned into 2 hour job. Complicated by the fact the size of the pump on my yanmar is smaller than a tennis ball. Did end up replacing the seal. Nothing is ever simple on a boat. Expect the worst....hope for the best.
Alex is AMAZING, and really good at any job, repair, service that comes up. Taru, you are really LUCKY to have such a great man. Interesting blog post and photos. Hang in there ALEX :-)
Adam: It took a while to clean the fresh water tank on the HR yes, you just need to be patient and acrobatic enough to reach each corner!
I couldn´t help noticint that it looks like Alex has two left hands in the first picture :-)
The left one is mine :)
Buy a few cans of this when you hit the US:
Best to let it set overnight if it's really stuck.