Warming soul food

Sounds yummy, I will have to try it. Thank you!
Look tasty =)
This looks very tasty!
Hej Taru!
Jag är Stinas kusin. Vad kul att du börjat laga mer vegetarisk/vegans mat. Jag äter själv inte kött men fisk och skaldjur. Kolla in den här fina siten om du inte redan har för inspiration.
That looks delicious!
xo Lisa
Making Life's Lemons
Tack Elin!
In India we tend to eat vegan without even knowing it! Here's a great recipe for you that is a staple in the state of Kerala. http://nonsensegirl.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/avial/
use any veges you can find.
Looks delicious!
So happy that you're going vegan, it always made me sad when you posted pictures of fishes you ate...
Oh come on!! The cooking dog comment was funny as hell ;-)