North Eastern coast of the United States... New England, New York state, Maine? You expressed interest in that area a little while back.
Tierra del Fuego???!!!
San Francisco ?
Peut ĂȘtre New York
Maybe New York city
Maybe west coast USA to Alaska??? That would be so exciting... :) Good luck whatever your decision!!! xx
North Eastern coast of the United States....New England States? possibly Maine?
or Cuba?
I hope Brazil!
Puerto Vallarta?
Maimi and the ICW/US East Coast?
Hawaii ;)
Or africa
Yep... Puerto Vallarta, that would be the right choice.
south ?
Actually on second thought, Hawaii would be about 2500 miles.
Wow!! I am sure you will visit Baja California! Very off the beaten track, keep reporting and good winds!!
British Columbia.
The obvious place for sheer awesomeness!
Los mejores vientos a donde quiera que vayan
Ale B
East coast of Canada...Nova Scotia...South Shore....Lahave Islands. See you when you get here.
Maine!!! Please stop in Portsmouth NH right at the border. We're a short walk from a beautiful harbor and we have a great off-the-boat shower and galley.
Sea of Cortez Mexico
Unfortunately there are no easy 2500 mile voyages with stops along the way that start from Panama in the second week of June. West coast of Mexico--- a lot of motoring and light air upwind work, plus the Baha Bash up from Cabo, and you would want to be in San Diego by mid July before the hurricane season gets fully underway.
Hawaii-- no stops along the way and expensive marinas once you get there.
East Coast US via Provedencia & Cuba. Need to be in the ICW or coast hopping by mid July. Would be a shame to just blow Cuba a kiss as you sail by.
2500 miles takes you to:
Nova Scotia
Baja Californa
Since your friend is from Boston en route to NS, maybe you gonna drop him off there?
Well regardless of the destination it is good to see Alex smiling, don't think there are any pictures of him with a real smile on his face. No doubt sailing anywhere is what he is really interested in no matter how far, thus the big smile?
Sounds like Pacific Coast of Central America to me. Great places to visit, but watch for hurricanes!
I'm guessing that the west coast of south America, Ecuador, Chile. they'll be out of the hurricane zone and it is a beautiful time of year there. but that means that have to have passed through the canal. we haven't heard anything about that. so it could very well be they are headed up the east coast of central America? we'll find out shortly.
At that distance, I would say maybe down the west coast of South America to maybe Valparaiso.
How exciting, change is always good!