Saturday night live

I'm sorry to say that most wines are not vegan, due to processing using fish bladders and the like. To be sure, you need to research the winemaker. I'm not kidding. Ridiculous, isn't it?
This sounds like a nice day. I love the backpack. Really enjoy all the music you post as well.
This post was very relaxing to read, Taru! I wish I could eventually have the life you have. I would love to travel the world with my soulmate too.
Love your bag, by the way! Looking forward to your next post :)
Megann, Style Surgery
Joanne is right. You will need to search out vegetarian or vegan wines really. They can use egg white, sturgeons bladder or , very occasionally these days, dried ox blood as a fining agent in wine! If you really want to cut out all of the 20+ adjustments that they can do to wine these days then you should search put low sulphur/natural wines, but will will need to avoid the big brands like Torres I'm afraid!
Gorgeous day, gorgeous song!
Happy Sunday
Much love, Bailey from Vanilla Blonde
dear taru
before you write about a meat free lifestyle,you should know a lot more about it.
many thousands read what you write so you should act more carefully and responsible. do research on the thinks you write and you consume. the food industry is not easy to have a transparent look on. many things will hit you like a fist in the face. just find more out about feks wine, cheese, juices, yoghurt, fanta or even corn flakes. etc etc.
i don´t like it when people write just away like this.
you should think also about the clothes you advertise. under which circumstances are they made. take a closer look on that industry and you will find out how much cruelty is connected to a asian produced shirt, bikini, horts,... .
nice of you to go in the better world direction. but when i read articles about all that fancy stuff you are doing such as living in expansive hotel suites or doing champagne meetings i see how superficial that blog is.
please go back and write about sailing. don´t think to much about money and prefer a bikini you had since 5 years. extravagant wasting is what kills this planet.
kind regards
I'm in love with your backpack Taru!
Found on another sailing blog I frequent. Making almond milk aboard.
Ken (formerly aboard SV Satori Westsail 32 #223
Hi Joanne and Charles, Thanks for your input. I have heard something like that yes but haven't yet had the time to look into it, thanks for the reminder. What I meant with "not an animal product," I did refer to the actual wine not being from the animal kingdom like meat or dairy is, which is sourced directly from an animal, as opposed to wine being made from the plant kingdom such as fermented grapes. I didn't speak about wine as a 100% vegan or organic choice. Maybe I should be more clear in the future. I agree, there is a lot to learn.
Anonymous: You are exactly the sort of people I think do more bad than good in terms of promoting a vegan, or any of your preferred, lifestyle. Passive aggressiveness hasn't solve many issues in the world, I think you do good in keeping this attitude to yourself and let people make their own choices based on what feels good and right for themselves.
I did not know that about wine, I will have to be more careful with which I consume now. Wonder if it's the same for champagne? LOVE your backpack!!!
Curious if you're docked in Puerto Amador? Looks very familiar - some great undiscovered gems by way of cafes and such if you are, will get locations for you. Loved Panama - even in the sweltering 98% humidity that I am sure you are experiencing.
i must give this a try. it looks good.
Puerto Amador no, it's called Shelter Bay, lays within the old American army base of Sherman, opposite of Colon by the entrance of the Canal.