When you close one door, another one opens

Nothing showing weather wise make a run for it....
Stay safe
Guapa! <3
My gosh, your new diet so looks amazing. And very healthy too! (Not to mention delicious)
To be perfectly honest with you, I think you are making a great decision - without the influence, nor needed care for other peoples decisions, or ideas, whatever they may be. Like you said, you're doing it for yourself and if it inspires others, good!
In terms of health and food, people who eat meat and dairy almost feel threatened by people who go off the same diet. It's soooo lame.
I really, sincerely, wish I could do your diet. My mixed heritage does not help me when it comes to eating dairy, or meat. It's quite difficult. I find that most of the time I don't feel the best that I could, because of those foods.
People say that you need so much of it. YAH that's why our ancestors in the pacific didn't eat ANY dairy etc, yet they were totally healthy and glowing.
Dairy and meats are a love, so many passionate foods that there are out there - but they are not a must. Actually I think eating veges, fresh, every day, all day, is sooooooo good. and such a DREAM!
With a bit of fish in between too. I mean, how can you go wrong with that!
OH and must not miss out the champagne.
FUCK NO. LOL! Champagne is the shit!
I have absolutely, 11111110% adored Italy. But I feel the impact of the dairy and meat. So time for a detox when I get to south east asia and then back home to the south pacific.
My partner from Tahiti happens to love all the richness of dairy and meat. so that is where i get my influence. Otherwise, I think I'd much rather be eating that way you eat. way to go!!!!
p.s Do you find that you feel 100% more clear, and full of natural energy? And this sounds like an odd question, but 'stomach wise' don't you feel so much better as well?
Taru, I think people often make assumptions about why a person is a vegan or vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian my entire life. My parents are meat eaters who tried to feed meat to me. Even as a small child, I would push the meat away (starting around age 4-5). I seem to have been born with an aversion to meat. Why? It is anyone's guess. At that age, I was obviously not trying to make a statement about the meat industry :)
When I tell people that I am a vegetarian, most seem to assume that I am that hardcore, militant, tree-hugging type of person that you so humorously described in your post. And while I do have ethical concerns about the treatment of animals used in our food supply, that was never the primary driving factor in my vegetarianism. Quite simply, rather, I am just disgusted by meat. I am disgusted by the smell, the texture and the appearance.
I make no judgements about what others choose to eat. But I like knowing that I am primarily putting healthy food into my body that, by the way, does not support the cruelty that can be prevalent in certain meat industries.
In your case, what is wrong with your enthusiasm for your new path in eating? Absolutely nothing. Plus, it is your blog and you can write about subjects that you want to write about. Isn't that the purpose of a blog, after all?
p.s and just for a laugh I wanted to say as well...
I RARELY EVER ENVY YOU T, because I totally adore you and your life/work, BUT THIS... oh... now there is competition! Now you're fabulous AND YOU'RE VEGAN. mucho envious now. hi hi hi ;) xxxxx
I feel like I could have written this post, because we share such similar beliefs! Keep on rocking this awesome new diet!!! You will only feel better and better.
Webb Chiles summed it up pretty well a few years ago:
I'm sorry ! but no one has the right to tell other people how or what to eat, period. Let alone, judge others. I am a meat/potato guy, but enjoy also enjoy vegan/vegetarian meals as well. it is all about balance of the diet and the person's preference.
Wait till you get into veggie burgers. There is so much yummy creativity waiting for you there!
Hi Taru, if you haven't done so already you should have a read of the book "The China Study" written by T. Colin Campbell. It brilliantly outlines the enormous health benefits of a vegetarian/vegan diet.
Also the "Seventh Day Adventist Christians" have been well known for promoting a vegetarian diet for around the last 100 years, so well before it became "trendy". They have plenty of good recipes on the net and printed books. So well worth a look too.
You'll have a very easy time in the states finding delicious vegan/veggie meals. Once you get more north near NYC you'll find whole vegan restaurants! I lived in NYC for almost 8 years (just left for my own sailing adventure) and some of the best meals I've eaten didn't have any meat in them. You'll figure it out.
It is important that you have a balanced diet. So eating fish is good for all the omega 3 and 6 of which fish is the best source. The body needs protein as well so make sure you get enough lentils, chickpeas and soya in your diet. You'd fit right in to Indian eating - without knowing it we tend to eat vegan a lot. I shall be sending you recipes!
To all those vegan haters out there-
I love the life I live and I live the life I love!
The only freedom, most people on the earth have anymore is the freedom to choose for themselves but even this is something that is being tested everyday by the people that run the individual countries and influence the world we live in.
I choose to live a healthy balanced lifestyle and diet.
Sometimes I eat meat sometimes I don't. Sometimes I drink sometimes I don't. Sometimes I smoke sometimes I don't.
Variety is the spice of life, try to experience everything you can while on this still beautiful earth.
I love this blog and it drives me everyday to work harder and harder so I can do the same myself.
Only another 500 nautical Miles then I can take my Yachtmaster's exam.
Good luck to you on your travels. You MUST visit Cuba soon, I was there for the 50th anniversary of the revolution and it is a country full of beautiful and wonderful people.
P.S. you have a pic of 'Mike Tyson' not 'Muhamed Ali' ; )
You know Taru, it doesn't really matter what people say or think. Whether you inspire them or don't. What is important though, is that you yourself made a decision here and that it is working for you. You feel better, your food looks incredibly tasty and I think that it's wonderful that you do this, for yourself.
Even if you should decide in a while that you want to start eating (a little bit of) meat again, that's fine too. Because what matters is that you are responsible for your own life and you only should be taking the decisions in that. People who comment that, are probably the ones that are stuck in a situation and don't have the courage to step up and get out of it.
Hi. Good for you on choices you've made. Boo to the trolls.
ps. I don't think that the boxer image is Mohammed Ali. Looks more like Mike Tyson.
Well, since you aren't going to be sailing across the big pond, guess we won't know just how well or poorly you would do on vegan diet...too bad.
Thanks observant readers... it's Mike Tyson not Muhammad Ali... and it is Mike Tyson who's vegan indeed.
I can't believe that people are criticizing you for eating a healthier diet. I'm 90% vegan (with the occasional crab leg and cheese plate thrown in), and I've never felt better. I guess I have a similar philosophy - occasional treats are OK, but vegan really is the way to go. I also have a great time introducing my omnivore friends to new recipes.
I guess what they say is true: you know you're doing something right if you're pissing people off. Stay strong.
I'm not sure if someone's mentioned this already but I learned this lately (and not sure how often you eat them anyway) - soybeans (and I guess soy products?) have lots of estrogen, so they should be used sparingly...especially if Alex is eating them as well. :) His voice may rise an octave :) Something to look into, if you aren't aware.
Taru, I wrote the paragraph you quoted in this blog. I think you glazed beyond the other two paragraphs that were so encouraging of you and Alex, and so thankful for your blog. Like it says, we've learned a lot and you have helped whet our sailing appetites on the many occasions when our boat is out of reach. I'm sorry that it was perceived in a way that you felt was so silly, discouraging and judgmental. I felt it was an interesting point and I was simply curious if you had considered it while pondering the idea of going vegan...perhaps it actually encouraged you...I don't know, which is why I had asked. Instead of a thoughtful response, you clearly felt I was better off being made out to be judgmental and out of touch. I clearly deserved this for complementing you on your blog and achievements, so thank you. I hope you don't treat all of your readers with such a grand level of respect.
Hello Anonymous, I did not say your email was silly and judgmental, I only quoted parts of it and called it "funny". Which that specific part is, don't you think? That my personal health and lifestyle values would have anything to do with what the masses might wish from me. I thank you for your nice encouraging compliments in the rest of your email, at least you didn't ask me to stop drinking champagne or stop wearing fashionable clothes which I have heard a lot from other blog readers since I switched to a healthier diet!
Wow your food looks amazing! I was a vegan for a short period of time, but was never very creative with my meals, thus never successful. I went back to meat after about a year. I was also a poor cook at the time and albeit a bit lazy. I'm gonna have to try out the recipes you post on here (I'm trying to become a better cook now). :)
Fantastic...wow..you should start a restaurant.i would go there everyday.