Birthday cake

It was one of my best friends birthday some days ago so I made her a cake and we celebrated her on the boat in Stintino - Sardinia, even though a couple of thousands miles away from her. And no, the shape of the cake is not a new design I invented, it's just our oven in the boat that's heeling a bit too much on one side..
Cake Fanny
3 eggs
1,5 dl sugar (0,7 cups)
2 tablespoons of natural raw honey (30 ml)
1 teaspoon vanillin extract (5 ml)
75 gram melted butter (75 ml)
0,50 dl milk (0,25 cup)
0,50 dl cream (0,25 cup)
3,5 dl flour (1,5 cups)
2 teaspoons of baking powder (10 ml)
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon (10 ml)
1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice (5 ml)
a small pinch of salt
Any sort of crushed nuts
Preheat oven to 175° C (350° F).
Grease and lightly flour a pan. Stir together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt; set aside. In a large bowl: Whisk eggs, sugar, vanillin sugar and honey until light and fluffy. Bring the flour mixture into it, add the milk, cream, lemon juice and the melted butter. Pour batter into pan, sprinkle some crushed almonds or hazelnuts over and place it into the oven for around 40 minutes.
Mmm, this is a wonderful, easy cake and you can easily exchange the nuts and cinnamons to whatever you rather prefer.
Happy belated birthday Dear Fanny!
FYI: All my recipes are written with Swedish/Finnish measurements. Please follow the numbers within the parentheses if you're not from Scandinavia. I guess I need to find a better solution for this. A proper translator might be needed for this blog? Please let me know if someone is interested in the job!