Sometimes people ask us: Where would you like to live when you are done with your travels? Most of the time we answer: Wherever there is sun and warmth, a simple, eclectic ambiance, where there is a direct possibility to feel free and unattached (on the water). There should be lush and energizing nature and it does definitely help if there's a rich culture, genuine, open-minded people and an inspiring history from which to draw inspiration. It is a must that there is enough space to breathe, to not feel congested. One must be able to hear ones own thoughts without having to fight against unnatural or materialistic distractions. Wherever and whatever that brings us joy, simplicity, peace and fulfillment - that is where we belong.
Having traveled the world forth and back literally since we were babies, we both know that home is not a physical place, it is merely a mental state of feeling. The utter sense of satisfaction that rushes through your veins when you've found it. It is where you can kick back and enjoy the moment without feeling stressed, annoyed nor empty. It is where your heart feels in harmony and balance with the surroundings. Where your brain gets the inspiration it needs to continue its everlasting progress and where the simple rhythm of the day gives your soul peace and comfort. Ones needs and requirements change as life evolves, and accordingly we have made a new home wherever we've went (traveled to 64 countries and lived in 12 thus far). What gives us some sort of steadiness in this crazy world is the commitment we have made with ourselves to always look deeper within our own hearts. To always strive for being real and trust the gut feeling. To always be curious and never stop learning about the world, ourselves and each other.
Alex and I met in the fall of 2009 in our, at that time, hometown Barcelona in Spain. And after only a few weeks of dating we decided that we wanted to take Alex's sailboat out on a journey across the oceans of the world. I personally had no prior sailing experience but an innate lust and need to continue exploring the world, mentally, spiritually, physically.
After a year of saving money, throwing or giving away most of our belongings and preparing the boat, we left our beloved Mediterranean and have visited West Africa, South America, Caribbean, Central America since then. We are currently (December 2014) based in Miami, Florida where we have decided to stay for a longer time to build a nice lil' vegan café. Come visit us!
/the blog is told from the perspective of Taru Tuomi - the female part of the journey
This is the story on who we are and what we were before we met, and also the short version of how we got introduced to each other the first time.
Click here to see what education and jobs/companies we've had before this journey.
Click here to see what education and jobs/companies we've had before this journey.
And the view from that bed where it all started...
This is more or less how my life looked like before Alex and me met.. I replaced my louboutins with sailing shoes and am very content and happy with that decision.
This is more or less how my life looked like before Alex and me met.. I replaced my louboutins with sailing shoes and am very content and happy with that decision.
Some of my greatest passions are food and cooking and I spend much of my time creating delicious treats and meals for everyone around me. Organic and vegan is my food of choice, and currently I also cook for others for a living. Check in here for thoughts and progress with my newly started food business, and here for some of my vegan recipes.
Want to know more about the beautiful boat in which we live and travel? Click here.
Here are some highlights from this trip if you quickly want to go through the best.
My photo portfolio can be found here.
Here are some highlights from this trip if you quickly want to go through the best.
My photo portfolio can be found here.