This is how we do it

Very nice Alex!
I envy you.
Mangia bene, vivi felice!
Be careful with raw fish. There was one guy who sailed around the world during 3 years and eat some raw fish on his trip. He got some parasite and died in the hospital, they could not save him. So just a small warning. I always freez my fish at least 48 hrs b4 making sushi. Looks great anyway =)
I'm honored that you guys were thinking of little old me. Those two plates may be enough for me; what are you two gonna eat?!
Adam: I think in this area, it's ok. More problems with parasites in the Caribbean, I heard. Or where exactly did that happen?
Baydog: It was a bit more on that tuna, but I have only two hands! Guest first./T
men ooooh så gott det ser ut! tunasushi, mums! :)
Looks absolutely fantastic!
Taru, it really looks delicious.
Please keep posting your gorgeous dishes :-)