Action can begin

Hope it´s good. Got our Nikon D90 a month ago. Still finding out how to use it =) Look forward to see the videos.
Hi Taru and Alex:
I stumbled upon your cruising blog a couple of days ago. From another blog I found some technology you may want to check out:
I found out about this from the blogger at:
Keep up the great work and have a great adventure!
Best regards,
Ryan F.
So this is a great gift you make to all of your followers. That's fun to think we're gonna be hundreds of people on your boat thks to your superb website.
The Nikon D90 is a really good camera Adam.
Thanks for the links Ryan!
La flore: Hundreds? Thousands!! Pretty soon there will be 100.000 of you following us each month. That's an extremely interesting thought!
SO... we'll be 100 000 people on your boat ! Hope you have enough champagne to celebrate ;)
Champagne will probably be very expensive for so many, would Cava be enough?
5D....Sweet!!! I have the smaller T1i but love it! Hope to run into you guys in the Caribbean!
Alex and Taru any preference for lenses...?
Grattis! Ni har gjort ett bra val. Vi har en så'n sexy bastard också!:) Vi följer med bloggen och är så exited över er resa! Har själv gjort seglatsen över Atlanten. Många kramar, Malenami
Åh ni har redan korsat Atlanten! Grymt! Vi ser mkt fram emot det också så klart.