
The passport has been found! It was in one of the pockets in Alex's jacket. A jacket which he barely wear, but had on for some days ago. For some reason I had given the passport to him to guard after we picked up something from the postal office. So let's partly blame him for this disappearance, no? Thank you all for your help in this drama. I guess John Butler was the one with the nearest solution, so we'll welcome you aboard one day if our paths would ever cross!
We have just arrived to Cambrils by the way. Not very far from Tarragona where we today started, but we've decided to take it slow until we have fixed what has to get fixed. At least we're doing a tiny bit of progress further down South every day, and at the same time we have enough time, each day, to do some work on the boat. We do not want to get stuck in too rough weather or head out on longer passages before a couple of important things are done on the boat. Such as the final work on the teak, the reinstallation of the air generator, the inspection plates for the water tank, the final mounting of the toe rails and the installation of the watermaker. We're taking it easy here in Cambrils tonight, working a couple of hours tomorrow morning and then leaving a bit further down after lunch. There is a mistral expected from tomorrow onwards underneath the Delta del Ebro, so I guess we'll have some time to just stay around on this stretch of coast for more boat projects for the next couple of days. We're not in a hurry and finally we're both starting to feel a bit more harmonic and peaceful - now when we're having all the main stress behind us. There is actually not much things we need to worry about at the moment and there's also no schedules to adjust to. We're just happy if we reach the Caribbean before New Year, that's all. The passport issue solved itself in the end - like most things do in life and we are incredibly happy for that.
Now: a light dinner, some wine and falling asleep to some sweet reggae dub tunes.. Good night y'all. /T
Now: a light dinner, some wine and falling asleep to some sweet reggae dub tunes.. Good night y'all. /T