Good morning love

Indeed, the one who understands the need for caffeine and carbs in the morning deserves an honorable title. How to offer that reverence without resorting to the inaccurate term wife or the diminishing "girlfriend" is a real problem these days. I have used "SO" meaning "significant other" to refer to my other half, but even that seems lacking. An altogether new term for modern relationships begs to be announced. One not of the frivolous 60's, but one which imparts the honor and import of the archaic titles but in a modern context for serious relationships in or out of marriage.
Sorry. I don't have an original term to offer. I'm just in agreement that there is a need for one.
Hello, I have no idea for a "wife" substitute, but could you tell me the brand of your coffee machine, please ? Thank you very much and bons vents.
Looks like a nice BF for the Captain. Happy with the Mokka coffee pot? Looks like a Bialetti that Adam & camilla has.
Checking the SPOT website, says it's 2 AA batteries. When not on, life is 12 months, however when on for SPOT tracking it's only 14 days. Yikes. That's pathetic. Can't see on thje site but is there an a/c plug for the actual unit? You can get a 5$ solar charger for these small electronics. 2 batteries every 2 weeks for the next 2 years is an annonyance. Do some math, get a box of 20 for 20$ + 4 x recharageables whatever that costs there. Seems SPOT is strictly handheld for emergencies, can it plug into an outlet so that you don't need to keep fiddling with it every 2 weeks or remember to keep changing the batteries? This is a small headache that needs to be eliminated. Sailing is about reducing headaches.
Here, in the sometimes amusing U.S. of A. we have an interesting, little non-institution known as common law marriage. It has different specific definitions in different states, but essentially it means you have lived with your significant other for set amount of time, and you commonly refer to each other as either husband and/or wife. No formal commitments, ceremonies, or documents are required. You simply do, and then you are. :)
So, I say if you guys like the titles wife and husband, well then, use them, and who cares about filling out papers, or taking formal vows.
I love the stories, and I admire the choices you to have made for your lives. Keep it coming! :)
On most American cruising boats the man is referred to as the Captain and the woman is referred to as the Admiral :)
May sound old fashion but here's one vote for 'wife' in both the sense you are using it and, when you are ready, in the conventional married sense. Feels really good to have a life-long commitment and nothing wrong with having that recognized by the world.
I've been married now 30+ years and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Mind you, you look great in a bikini and you make a wonderful breakfast - so maybe there's competition out there!! Ha-ha
Ole' Man
Ole' Lady
~~~_/)~~~ :)
We prefere "lover". Sounds seductive, no?
We thought marriage would add little to our relationship until we did marry (for tax reasons!) and were both surprised that it did create a stronger emotional bond. No idea why, can't explain it, it's just how we felt then and now. Been married 21 years and wouldn't change anything!
Hmm.. it's seems hard to find an adequate term for this. We'll be happy to focus more on making each other happy and fulfilled rather than the words or designations. Actions, feelings, dedication and faith are what counts in the end of the day anyway.
Coffee maker is from IKEA. works perfectly.
Also, the new SPOT needs 3 AAA not 2AA like the old one.
Alltid får jag ett leende på läpparna när jag läser dessa söta små inlägg. Hela den här bloggen är en sån fantastisk inspiration för mig. Jag ser fram emot att ta mig frammåt, att verkligen låta saker och ting ske, jag blir så sprudlig. Ville bara säga det. Ett så fantastiskt bra jobb! Lycka till båda två så otroligt mycket mycket mycket på er fantastiska resa. MVH Isabelle
If you did get married you would be surprised at how it deepens and intensifies what you already feel for each other. Its almost magical.
We got married on the Beach in Bali while there on holiday, almost just for "fun" but it had a won derful and positive impact we didnt expect. I cant explain it, its a mystery but I think if one day you changed your mind, you also would understand ...maybe the Pacific, when you get there, will seduce you both.
We too prefer "lover"...we had our fifth anniversary on Wednesday.
Här är norskan överlägsen. Käresta.
Seglingsfilmen från Gibraltar var fantastisk!
Happy sailing!
Snubblade in på din blogg och finner den superhärlig. Ditt språk och dina bilder är fantastiska. All lycka till er.