Mar Menor

Ha ha sounds like my wife and I. My wife is alergic to all kind of alcohol, wine, beer or anything. So the whole bottles for me too =)
Looking awesome as we move long.
What's a rough idea of the total costings (or budget), is the constant picking up things on the way part of that or land-based window shopping habit you're all trying to get rid of :-)
You're eatig well, looking well, boat looks even better, or is this still all pre-plan stages till you hit the high seas then its scraping rice out of bowls and wearing the same shirt for 30 days type of sailing :-))
We had a budget for boat projects and installations - this money is very soon finished. After that we're planning on surviving on as little as 1000 Euros per month.. planning on entering this period in a few weeks from now.
Lucky Alex, he gets to take advantage by stay sober ;)
Stay well
Hi Taru, you must enjoy the wine but I believe you do. That's what life is about. Good for you Alex. Stick to what works for you. But I wish I could send you a couple of the splendid wines we cultivate here in South Africa. Boy oh boy, but are they hard to resist. Just ask my wife, can't seem to get enough of it! ":^)
I enjoy wine too much, It is the fuel of life. My absolute favorite is the one and only: Brunello di Montalcino, especially the 2003 vintage. Mmmmmmm, It's like a gift straight from heaven. Incredible taste and balance.
Wow, expensive taste Taru,hope thats not all you drink or Alex is in need of a second job. LOL