Still in Ginesta

Dont worry about a day more or less you have loads of time in front of you! Be relaxed and you will enjoy your tour so much more.
Good luck!
great blog and great pics. I hope to sail over to that part of the world someday, if I ever get out of Mexico. jeff
Blow boats have destinations not ETA'S. Same goes for ETD's. I tell my wife "we are not driving a bus and we leave when we leave".
Fair Winds.
What kind of autopilot did u choose? I am ones again looking for one 352 with no equipment at all. No nav equipment, nada =( Maybe good to install whatever I like than =)
As eager as I am to follow your journey, I find myself equally as willing to read about your preperations. Remember, your crusing not racing, and that means you'll leave when you leave, and not a moment before. :)
Fun stuff, great pics, awesome people, so keep it coming. :) Love the site.
Relax, Relax, Relax and take it easy Taru. Why "still" in Tirza and not enjoying Tirza with all the shops you need around you. A real issue is a boat at sea with a long list of things to do and a stressfull mental frame. You don't have to account for anybody, but yourself.
Take the time you need to finalise your preparations and we still will enjoy your wonderful and inspiring blog.
Yeah, what everybody else said. Enjoy, be gentle with yourselves. Your blog is terrific. A gift to us. Try not to get thinking that we have expectations. For myself, I just enjoy seeing what you're seeing.
Appreciatively (is that a word?).
Thanks for your support, guys. It's just that WE wish to get away from here. Although we would love to have our boat perfectly ready, we still don't feel like we have started our journey, before we get at least 100 miles from Barcelona... Both of us would love to be more down south to fix what has to get fixed... Glad though that we stayed here for five days, the boat feels much better after this little pause.