The thing

A pic of the whole assembly would be better. Confusing so far.
Usually these are massive and made of aluminum or bronze, with the arm at least as wide as the rudder stock.
I forgot.
The stock is the vertical tube or rod around which the rudder pivots. I guess that on your boat it would be about 10cm diameter tube, maybe 15cm. If it is a solid SS rod it would be about 5cm.
yes, poorly welded....oh well, better than no weld
Did you make some kind of reinforcement on it? Because if it broke, welding it back in one piece won't make it stronger...
do replace the whole tiller arm assembly, get one from goiot or edson made of cast bronze or aluminum. You may find it cheaper to get a whole new quadrant and use that instead (if it suits your autopilot drive). Welds in that area will be constantly stressed by the sea and it will break again.
Rob on Avant
A different set up to ours but I would suggest it's not big enough the loads on this arm could be massive in rough conditions !! I would get it strengthened if it broke once it will again ! or even better replaced when you get to another port .
This is the worst tiller bracket that I see never. This piece must be a very strong steel or bronze piece because the forces there are heavy.
That should be under warranty. Pretty pathetic that a wave could have broken that apart. If it were welded properly from the manufacturer, the entire bracked would or should be sheared off from where ever it is bolted to. The boat wood fiberglass whatever. But for that OEM weld to break like that. Phone them up and demand compensation.
Totally crap product or production run from them.
I wouldn't trust that. Get a spare, or have a proper arm fabricated.
Lewmar can also supply a new cast arm but they will need a picture and demesion of the rudder stock showing the relationship of the keyway or bolt holes that this one appears to have. What you have will not last very long.
Thanks guy for info. We will most probably get this piece replaced to a more sturdy one once we get to the Canaries. This will have to be enough until then.
If the part in the photo is meant to bolt on to and turn the rudder stock then it isn't strong enough. It will break again for sure.
Here you have a good example how the arm should look: