A walk in the Kasbah des Oudaias

Nice. Though surfing in that muddy water might be something else. Did Alex give it a go? Didn't he do a surfing safari to South Africa in his youth? He should try to surf at each spot you guys stop at. Speaking of spot.
You can switch the google map on your location to HYBRID which is satellite + map and zoom right in. Awesome close up of exactly where you. The marina looks very nice, the basin looks cut out so perfectly from the sky view. Interesting that long river you had to come into to get to it. I see Kasbah des Oudaias is right at the entrance there. As a matter of interest, how far is it. On the satellite image it looks far. That and seems nothing really around the marnin, bare land and some development going on? The satellite picture is June 28th 2010, which is really fresh., shows quite a few boats there. Are there other boats there now, if so what natationality would they be and what they doing there/ It looks like a really nice safe harbour for the future. I'd imagine some development for the future around it.
Again, more beautiful pictures! I love your photographer's eye. And I thought that young boy's smile was because you weren't wearing a scarf.
how is the guy with the "thruster surboard" with only one fin - would be a bit loose !!! - surf looks good - is the water only dirty on the ebb tide or have they had a lot rain inland washing down - may get better when tide floods - one of those brekkys would be grt after a few hours in the water !!!!!!!!
Great stuff...
Great photos~ they allow me to sit here with my coffee and take a little trip (: And then.....the 3 year old strolls in!! Thanks for this great trip~it's a pleasure~
yeah Alex been surfing all his life but didn't give it a try here yet. Need to find a new wetsuit first.
There are some incredible waves here, it's considered to be a surfers paradise so let's see if alex has the time to try it out later this week.
Have no clue how that boy managed without one fin though!!
It is not very far to Kasbah des Oudaias, maybe 10 minutes with car. Just over the bridge and then straight to it. Here is a huge construction going on yes. Parks, apartments, buildings being built as we speak.
alex - if you ever make it to Australia (oz) around coolangatta qld way - get in touch as I have a few spare boards & we can get into a few "biscuit barrels" (waves) - little crowded sometimes but generally nice just to be out in amongst it and get a few waves - stay tubed - stay safe