Hair problem part 359

...let it looks cool..
i like it...greetings from Switzerland
Borrow a razor from Alex and start over again. Considering that you're at sea, I can't think of an easier and more effective solution. Just be sure to put sunscreen on your scalp.
Cut it off!
It drys faster and it is definitely more healthy, than bleaching it all the time.
This is the best time to do it. I mean almost nobody will see you with short hair in case you don't like it.
It's not like you look ugly. My solution would be to throw out your mirror until it gets back to normal ;)
Heh, I've got the same problem... Scandinavian blonde hair and last ten years of dying (various shades of red in my case, though).
Completely stopped dying it last summer, and it looks awful now! Though, can't even imagine what it would be like if I tried to bleach the red out, it would probably end up pink, yay.
Might cut mine at some point soon...
Come to Puerto Rico ! Come to in the town of Aguadilla on the west coast of PR, near famous Rincon. I am a color specialist... We'll fix you up Gratis ! Ciao, Teresita !
1. Stop focusing on your hair! You are an unbelievable, gorgeous, funny, interesting, super-sexy woman (and I'm a straight girl to say it)
2. Stop bleaching your hair, even if you had the best hair dresser as your best friend, this is damaging your hair.
3. if you can't stand the 2-colors step, put some brown "washed in 6 shampoos" without ammoniac color on them. I'm sure you could find some L'Oreal product where you are now.
4. use hair accessories to hide the border between the 2 colors. You will see, challenge helps creativity.
I love your blog, but I prefer when you are happy :-) xxx
allow the sun to do its work and it will look great, stop putting chemicals in your hair. Just shampoo and conditioner. ps I have hardly any hair (but my daughters do ) pps thank you for writing your amazing blog, regards Mike
Last year I cut my hair off and donated (10 inches) it to a charity that makes wigs for kids with cancer (color treated acceptable)......since then I have let it grow out (44 years old) and it is probably the first time since I was treatment whatsoever....and am letting the grays in as well....planning on sailing around the world in a few years and don't want to be bothered with coloring....just a suggestion.....i am loving my virgin hair!
Don't cut it. You'll hate yourself for your looks. I'd rather dye from time to time starting with dark and ending with something close to your natural colour.
it won't get lighter until you bleach it, so you should order (or mhhhhh try to get) some kind of strong bleach. it will, of course, damage your hair, especially the dark parts, so you will have to cut some inches afterwards. and if you have the desired "lightness" I would consider colouring all the hair in the colour, you would like to have. I've done this several times before ;) good luck!
It doesn't look too bad from here. Can't anyone send you the hard core stuff from over here? Let me know if I can help.
These things always look worse in the mirror than they do to anyone else's eyes. I am having a similar issue. My hair is ash blonde naturally and it's a dark auburn now. With summer and sailing season coming I wanted a lower-maintenance color option. I was thinking about having just a few lighter shades foiled in so as the roots and ends fade lighter it's less noticeable.
There is an old Scandinavian proverb that is apropos here: "Bikinis fix all problems . . . even bad hair days." Your welcome.
Okay, from someone who spends plenty of time in the salon, I assure you bleaching it over and over in a short time span is not good. Leave it for a bit because over dying will cause damage. Rubbing lemon juice in the darker parts and exposing it to sun will help until you are able to dye it again. Hope this helps.
Taru - you're beautiful no matter your hair! That being said, we woman do care about these things, I know. Let me know if you want me to send you some hard core bleach, or anything else for that matter. America isn't afraid to sell the good hair stuff either. No problem!
Stop the chemicals. Let the sun do its magic. I agree, bikinis, lots of bikinis work wonders. And, when every day is Saturday, who the heck cares anyways?
Always good to keep up to date with both your adventures.
Jon ...
Empty Pockets
Woodbury Mn
Lemon and vodka in the sun will do the trick!
Hej vännen min! Härliga läsare du har!! Många inspirerande tips. Jag har inte färgat mitt hår på lång tid nu, bara klippt det en del (det var så slitet efter de blonda slingorna), och jag har massa gråa hår, men jag börjar vänja mig, det är ju inte håret som gör kvinnan utan det innanför skallen ;). Mitt tips är att du låter ditt hår vara. Du är så vacker och fin oavsett hur ditt hår ser ut och den enklaste vägen till att få det naturliga är nog att låta det växa ut. Puss puss
Just det, om du bleker håret kommer du paja det! Speciellt med tanke på klimatet du befinner dig i, och färga det mörkare tjänar du inget på eftersom du vill återgå till din naturliga färg. Tålamod behövs för att låta det växa ut, en bra hårinpackning och klippa topparna ofta! Puss
Wow, you already look like Jean Seberg in the picture, so why not cop her signature hairstyle too?
I'd say keep it as it is and if the darker ends look hideous then cut a sexy bob.
One solution is to highlight the ends lighter or put darker lowlights at the top. You can do that easily using a comb dipped into the dye to even out your colour.
The only real remedy I am afraid is to cut your hair if you want a quick fix, otherwise patience.
At least you don't have to deal with grey hairs :)
Chop it off! It looks like you've got enough lighter colored hair at the roots already to look at least decent. It will grow back anyway, and being away from everything is probably the best possible time to do it.
I think the lemon and vodka sounds good!! Let your hair grow out....but drink lemon drops till it gets where you like it!!! LOL
i saw bleach the shit out of it. That's what your gut tells you to do.