Beauty of the nature

Great photo! Where are you guys in Antigua? Likewise, the only time I've been visited by dolphins at anchor was Hermitage Bay in Five Islands Harbour in Antigua. It has the most amazing turquoise blue water (then you jump in and realize visibility is about two feet!)
Cheers, sailfurther
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Just listened to that track. Totally not surprised. I wonder if they heard or felt that music and synth voice.
Play it again this evening or whenever it was and see if they return.
How do you guys sleep at night? Looks like you're pretty close to that wharf there. Isn't it creepy at night thinking someone might row or swim out and board the vessel while you sleep? Do you have an alarm or something, or you lock the door at night or have a gate or what? Or you just get used to it and don't worry after a while?
Jätte fina bilder! :)
This was in Falmouth Harbor.
We sleep good at nights here in Antigua. Very safe and good. But for other less secure places we have an alarm which we will get installed asap. We always lock the doors. Most places around here are said to be safe but there are areas where you rather not stay over night.