Good morning world

Have a great Thursday you all. /T
Good morning!
I like your blog with pretty photos!
Feel free to visit my blog @
Looking forward to seeing you there!
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each other? Thanks!
Stay hydrated!
Once lived on St Croix for a time and returned to Minnesota. We learned there is the pervasive "Hot" which after 2-3 minutes transforms into shirt-drenching "Sweaty" which when no more water can ooze out turns into "Oily".
That said, we discovered a certain romance with the beatiful blue ocean and culture and would move back in a heartbeat.
Jon ...
Empty Pockets
The endless and recurring feeling that a few more inches/feet/metres in your life will improve the quality of said life has been proven to be a false if seductive dream too often to be funny. The story of the Hiscocks and Wanderer 111 and 1V might be instructive. Sir Sidney Camm said 'simplicate and add more lightness' He was referring to aeroplanes but it could well apply to boats. More than one long haul cruising plan and its' anticipated pleasures have been scuppered by an over complicated boat costing exponentially more than ever imagined and being stuck in, let us say Rarotonga, waiting for parts!
I fear that selling a, small by American standards, boat in the hurricane season might prove quite a long process - why not go with what you've got? If you have not got enough space throw stuff out!
I trust you will be safe in Admiral Nelson's hurricane hole in what is predicted to be a busy season.
The trouble is you will still be plugged into Glitterai Central. Well at least you have the shoes! But maybe the GQ/Conde Nast lifestyle 'Set' are producing income which will enable your future plans.
Can you please persuade Alex to contribute some stuff from his point of view - boat stuff - it would give these articles some more texture.
All the best - If I seem to be carping forgive me - am of course quite hideously jelous!
Hey Taru, Alex, good morning! I also was thinking in your next boat and this could match with what next too?.
I´m Yacht designer and love this part as much as Alex´s passion for their boat work.
You must build a custom boat to fulfil with all your requirements
You can build it in a good and cheap place and you can travel within beautiful places during the construction. this place could be Argentina.
a nice design for you guys could be:
i can share more info if you like this or others proyects.
This is under build right now in Buenos Aires at Aries yard, and you can´t imagine how aweosome looks the teak with Mahogany trims and how keen is the owner with his sailing plans.
greetings from "tropical" Finland too, we are hitting 25 C.
Maybe You are hoping to be sailing with a baby in the near future ?
We found a small boat for our family (27 feet) and I'm wondering were to put all clothes and food after all the five beds are taken :). Sails will take room too. Hooks and pouches will be needed...
Hi...I have followed your Blog from the start and love the pics....especially of the towns and places you have been to.Anyway what I wanted to say is why the need to buy a bigger boat?In Chaos you have a beautiful boat you know well,have done lots to and it has brought you both safe across the Atlantic in comfort.You say you want a faster you need to get somewhere faster then Chaos can take you?It doesn't appear from your writing that there is a time frame or schedule to keep to.Love you Blog so look forward to each new update of two people living the dream.....not dreaming the life.
Isn't it funny how people like "David" (#4, 9:39) give off-the-shelf life advice and seem to think that you have not thought about the obvious things he mentions?
Like you two (or we) would take such clichés from a stranher and go "yes, stranger, you are absolutely right, you DO know more about us than we do ourselves". Hahaha.
(This also happens a lot when one has a child.)
And also, what does he know? Nothing in his anonymous post indicates he has ever sailed across an ocean himself. Hahaha again.
(By the way, Wanderer IV was 49".)
The sweat producing heat of the Caribbean, can be dealt with rather nicely by jumpimg into the water for a dip at any time, and/or a cold drink under a shade palm by the clear water?
i would say, that 35 feet HR is boat that's fine for me. what bodhers you? which is the boat you want to buy? and also, who's idea it is acctually?
How about a catamaran? I think they have more space per lenght than regular yachts. More importantly I love the back of them, like a covered backyard porch where you can sit and just leap off and swim whenever you want.
Interesting that you all are concerned for our choices. Caos is a wonderful boat, both for living on and sailing around the world with. We trust her like no other and she has proven to be an absolutely fantastic boat for long voyages like the one we are out on.We are sure the next owners will love her just as much as we do.
But we have also lived on her for almost two years now and it is time to move on. Just like when you live in an apartment and one day you realize that: "hell yeah, wouldn't it be fantastic to have one additional room, or maybe a balcony? or why don't we move closer to the city?" One day comes the time when you get new ideas, you need new projects and you simply are ready to move on. I can't understand what is so strange with that. Do you guys always question your friends when they wish to change home, job, clothes, too?
We are very well in the know of what we need, what is good for us and what makes us comfortable.
We will of course tell you more about our plans, why we are changing to what we are changing to - when we have signed the papers. IF that happens.
But you all shouldn't worry so much. This is our life and we choose the colors of our socks the way we want to, not because you might think that black goes best with black shoes.
And for the question, who's idea is it: Answer: Alex is definitely the most driven in this question and time will tell you why. When he has got an amazing idea, it is very hard to stop him - and I admire him for his ambitions. Without them we wouldn't be here today.