On the coast of Guadeloupe

Rätt attityd! :)
Love your mentoring of viewers recently. Keep it coming. You are helping your followers by your comments on people reaction to the blog entries you write. As a counselor of adults who mess their lives up, and as a avid sailor, I say your advice you give in your blog is right on target and people need to listen. Keep it up please.
Love the view. Karen
wow, such a beautiful, sensational picture!! looking forward to see more of guadeloup, heard it must be fantastic!!
Beautiful picture!
Just out of curiosity, what is Your policy concerning life jackets ? Do people in the heat of Caribbean use them much ?
Do You both navigate ? Do You use paper maps much ?
I think the beauty in art is that different things appeal to different people. Not everyone loves the same kind of art, but our taste in art doesn't make us any better/worse compared to someone whose taste differs from ours...you can't really argue over taste, can you - it is very personal, and so is art.
I guess the same goes for when you write a public blog; you are bound to receive comments that you do not agree with, and there are always people who love your work and also those who do not love your work. I've enjoyed reading this blog tremendeously, but in my opinion the atmosphere has grown a bit negative lately, sort of defensive. I don't think there's any need for that...just enjoy making your art and continue with a positive vibe -- that's much morer enjoyable. And of course..this is just my opinion :)Peace & love.
The issue with some reformed or non-smokers is they feel they have to lecture/advise/issue wise counsel etc. I re-read my earlier post and yes I did say “I won't criticise you for smoking...you have to decide if and when you want to give up” Phew! :) Fair breezes, Red.
dear Taru, go on with your Blog, I love it! it's your Blog in which you write what you feel, live and finally the things you want! if we like we make it our Blog and go on reading. if we don't like we (or they) just should quit reading. if I don't like a book I started reading I just put it aside and stop reading. it's so easy and I would not write to the author. there are more important things in live! so please just go on and share your adventures with us. by the way its a nice picture! and to Alex, i've loved the explication he gave to us a few weeks ago why he does not post that much :-) go on!
Consider the hundreds of Political Blogs and the tens (hundreds?) of thousands of folk who "have to" chip in their two cents worth. Usually something that is meaningless, petty and serves no purpose.
Smoking is an issue that also makes folks contribute, directly or indirectly. It is usually those who do not manage their own lives that well, who feel the compulsion to tell others how to run theirs.
And eMail and the Net bring all sorts out of the woodwork. With as many opinions.
Your blog fascinates and the photography is excellent and inspiring. The majority of folks who Tune In have said as much.
Jon ...
Empty Pockets
tauru. you are cool. you are living the dream. you dont need to defend or justify yourself.
id rather just her what you have to say on good things (like your trip and fun thoughts and food and photos etc) and not your response to silly things like posts on here!
good luck for the next phase x
Were you smoking in that, didn't notice.... I did see coconuts however....
The world can be full of people who try to put other people into molds. We have a Texas word for those types of people.. we call them assholes.
I sure hope there's no Americans out there bitching about how these two young people are living...
They are in the pursuit of their own happiness.
Texas Phil
Hallo there,
I enjoyed the video. Nice and I do not mind your smoking. However, I am now sure that you only allow praise and nice words in your block. That is the only point to be criticized by me. You want to show us your world and you should not be annoyed with criticism. Some times it is boring to read only your overwelmimg nice words. We all know that life, even such as you both live, cannot be always that wonderful. People need some change even if the change is not positive. It is hard to understand but I guess that is how we are and I am not an exception. I wonder if this comment will be allowed or deleted from you.
You go girl!!! Been following you blog for a long time now and you hit the nail on the head. Life is too short to make everyone happy and a person should be able to do what makes them happy without and criticism.
I don't think Zella gets the point here. This blog has been a forum for controversy and broad discussions from the very early stage of it and that is what makes this blog so interesting. Taru has let through discussions and critics loads of times and I am sure she does it with an intention to gain publicity, readers, comments etc.... You don't remember the Portuguese maniac who sent her sponsors emails regarding her attitude, or the long discussion on one very famous cruising forum? It has all been shown here on the blog, why, because that is what creates further discussions and that is what will increase the amount of readers visiting this blog.
Go on Taru, you do it very good. Please show us pics of the new boat soon please.
Some of the commenters here are such incredibly stupid people. I don't understand how you can stand them? Block and delete every single comment that is not normal and acceptable, is my opinion. Why would anyone want to let through rude and offending comments, Anonymous #7?
Taru, I love your blog! I've never gone sailing but have always wanted to. The sea is so vast and so beautiful and so very very powerful. You are both so brave and I commend you for not letting fear or anything get in the way of your passion.
I also loved the video in your previous post. Dark hair, light hair you look gorgeous either way! I hope the rest of your week is amazing. Be safe out there! :)
Well, you all have so many ideas and opinions, it is in fact hilarious. Truthfully, I couldn't care less of what anyone of you out there think about anything I/we do in life, and therefore I do not write any of my blog posts to "defend" myself nor our lifestyle as you call it - I merely write about the things that I find interesting, what I know will create a hot discussion and what I have got inspired about from some of the commenters. There are so much bullshit coming out of the brains of a few of you out there and that gives me loads of reasons to think, reflect upon humanity and its defaults and then the inspiration to finally write about it all.
Then again we have some anonymous smartass up here who wants to point out that our life "cannot always be that wonderful"... oh is it Marta from Trinidad speaking again? Well, on this blog you won't find much wining about nonsense, simply as we don't create or see too much of problems in our lives. I'm sure you will find loads of crap on the Internet if you search around a bit. Here you will only find what is suitable for an arty lifestyle blog like this.
Also, obviously I greet comments that are both positive and negative, read through and you will find them all, I just won't publish comments that are totally taken out of context and/or written with bitterness and anger. If you have anything particularly "negative" to say and you want to make sure to get it published, write your comment with your full name and contact details and I'll post anything you have say.
Great work. I love the sailing, photography, philosophy and the food. What a rich tapestry! My wife and I will follow you at some point and I enjoy your blog.
Sorry for the negative input from others. Don't let a few people impact you in any way. You have tons of fans.
Amen sister. I recently lost my husband-father of our 3 children-suddenly. I have an occasional cigarette and people in my building that don't know me bitch me out. They make me cry. If they only knew our heartbreak. I deserve a few damn cigarettes a day. And you do too
OMG! I just read all of the comments! Poor Mr A no no mous. Someone is jealous because you are living your dream. I love your blog! : D
Why do You let Yourself get provoked ?
Eckhart Tolle - Do you know your ego?
Amen, sister!