Back to the sea

Your Hallbery Rassy 352 is such a beautiful boat. I'm going to miss her when she's gone...
Duende is a beautiful name!
Rolling furlers are common nowadays - do You ever miss old fashion sails ?
Have You considered a FAQ -part ? I guess You get often asked same questions ?
Sorry Tytti, you have had so many questions for us and we never had the time to answer all of them! Will post a FAQ soon so we can reply on your wonderings. Thanks for being patient!
Hey Taru,
I have always wondered what kind of sailing experience Alex has. It looks like he grew up racing Optis but I am curious as to what else he has done.
Has he done much racing?
Also when he bought Caso before you came into his life was he already planning to sail around the world?
Hey T&A,
I hope the warm hands of the Caribbean continue to gently caress your stay in these dear waters. We'll be in SXM-SBH around the first week of October. Would you fancy some Venezuelan chocolates?
Besos y abrazos,
So where do I get a shirt like that? Very cool.