Sail fish on the hook

Sushi night!!!
WOW! That is an impressive catch. great photo.
Most nations, even in the caribbean, agree that pelagics such as sailfish should be released unharmed, and it is a sin to kill one. Apparently that is not the case in France. I would be ashamed.
Maybe You haven't heard of these news about endangered fish:
Can you tell us more about your fishing gear. Really great blog!
Hi Alex and Taru:
I just found your journey by chance and I have linked to our blog, because you deserve to be in the People section "Gente Viajera".
Happy adventure. Greetings.
La Vuelta al Mundo de Asun y Ricardo
Alex and Taru,
I have been following your blog since you were first noticed on Sailing Anarchy.... before you even left Spain. I have enjoyed your travels, your excellent photographic images, and I am very impressed with your outlook and ideals on this journey. However; seeing this post is terrible! I am a professional yacht captain living in the Caribbean and I run a sportfishing boat, travel all over the caribbean and compete in many billfish tournaments. We ( professional sportfishing captains ) all around the Caribbean, and around the world strive to catch and release in good health.
Seeing the photograph of that sailfish hanging from your arch is very displeasing. And then reading that you sold the fish ( illegal in most countries without a commercial license ) is even worse.
Please think about it, visit the billfish foundation website, and learn.
I read your blog consistently and have been following your travels. Fishing for food is one thing but catching and keeping a sailfish? I am surprised that you would keep this fish. Sailfish are not so great to eat and these beautiful creatures should be released if caught for sport. I read that you sold the fish. Was the buyer going to eat it? I am curious...
As this fish already was dead when Alex reeled it up to the boat we thought it would be a waste to throw it back into the ocean. The (African) family whom we met at the port of Gustavia bought the fish for a very symbolic amount of 20 Euros and they were going to prepare several meals with this fish. We're happy that it came to good use.
We release most of our catch if it ain't going to be used for our own meal (we would not keep and eat sailfish ourselves, though.)
thanks for the reply about the fish :)