Combined headaches

Hang in there!! No doubt that life is hard and nearly unbearably hard at times.
this message is from Sonja/ would you still be complaining like you do now, if you were a mother off 4kids, have a great husband, a lovely family and lots of friends, when you know you will go to sleep tomorrow at 12.00 and never wake up again, because that's you're choice and you know you will die off cancer ? Get yourself together en be thankfull for every day in your life even if you have a shit day !! My lovely girlfriend will have no day after tomorrow !!
People are pretty harsh to you on your site sometimes Taru and I think it is just jealousy. Keep writing as you are inspirational, don't let them put you off what you are doing. See you Caribbean side possibly.
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow
and in away you and Alex have become close friends, we read and we read between the lines, we smile,we make judgements and some times we frown just like we do with our none 'virtual' friends, the joy of being knocked down is the journey back up !,please allow me just one cliche', 'its when your sole [soul] wears out that you are back on your feet again'
To Sonja, our thoughts and love go to you and your friend, your words cut through everything .
'different drum'
"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" in most cases, yes. In others I've learnt it makes us realise our vulnerabilities and/or serves to educate us. There's another saying "Somebody else is always in a worse situation" but that's neither helpful nor sympathetic because if you are having a bad time then a) you shouldn't be expected to "snap out of it" & b) like every other human being in the World you're entitled to occasionally feel fed up/annoyed etc etc when these days happen!
Hopefully this spell of "inclement weather" will pass and your sun will be shining soon! :)
I for one am very happy that this blog exists, and I hope things get better for you soon.
I stumbled across your blog few weeks back and I enjoy it a lot, one of my favorite blog out there.
We can be "living the life" under the sun (I live in st martin), pursue our dreams, choose a different existence, it doesn't mean we're exempt from turmoils or hardship. We can learn from them and move forward. Take care, P.
Keep up the good work Lady, your blog is really inspirational!!
I love reading about the the reality of your life. Thanks for not sugar coating it. Hugs Karen
Dear Taru,
Even in paradise life is life and people are people. Thank you for bringing me so close to your life since one year. I enjoyed every minute on your website, I don't know a second one that brings such a pleasure to the "worldWW"
I wish all the best to you and Alex.
I enjoy reading your blogs so much. It is nice to see the world through someone else's eyes for a few minutes each day. I always look forward to reading what is next or seeing a beautif photo that you have taken. Stay strong and most of all happy! Thank you for sharing!
"Don't let the bastards get you down," is something my Great Aunt said quite often... I appreciate your posts and know there are many others who read your blog and do not let you know because we enjoy things and comment on things that annoy us... I hope you enjoy your sailing and things start looking up.
Keep the stoke up and going! You are running an amazing blog an you on the trip of your life! Hope you´ll get some good wind in your sails soon!
Your blog is wonderful. It makes your life in paradise seem like paradise. I bet most of the 100,000 visitors consider you a good (virtual) friend and found this post surprising and moving. In our lives we forget that in addition to island fever, the confines of a 35 foot home, and the threat of hurricanes, you have the same daily issues to deal with emotionally.
Thanks for this post. It reminds us that you are one member in a relationship, away from your roots, and that you are a business woman with all those forces, and the wind pushing you.
Good luck with your old and your new boat as well. More about the new boat would be appreciated btw.
More or less by ”accident” (blog-hopping) I Found Your Blog.
Well, I think You should stay -personal- ( i.e Not Private!)
As that Is what -differs- a Good (read) Blog from another, more “superficial”.
And even -if- You are a more “commercial” Blog?!
This quote came into my mind... hope Your -Spanish- make You able to also read -some- Italian!? :)
“La Speranza non è la convinzione che qualcosa andrà a buon fine, ma La Certezza che quel qualcosa abbia Un Senso Indipendentemente da come andrà A Finire”
[ Michele SABATINO ]
After some “back-post-reading” ...
Yes I would like to sail around the world ... but IF & When, in a Tall Ship(!)
Not long ago they had a similar question, on the Italian Tv (Rai) as Yours;
“Would You ...Cast Away ... Change Your Life” etc... and Nearly “everyone” Wanted to BE a Skipper(!) so the reporter asked: Why doesn’t anybody ever want to Be “just-a-baker”?
(NB. there is a shortage of bakers in general & only in One Italian region they need “200” !)
Cari Saluti