Had the best of days

Hi Taru,
as many others I like your blog and I like dreaming of your life.
I have a question out of sincere curiosity: with all these resorts where you are spending few days here and there, how is the approach? Do they approach you and offer you free stays as a kind of sponsor or is it you suggesting them that you can offer them visibility in a very popular blog in exchange for free stays?
Congrats on Your Anniversary !
"Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate." ~Barnett R. Brickner
I was reading this book to my 6 years old
"Pippi Långstrump på Kurrekurredutön"
thought You may have read it too ?
och kanske har sett det här som barn också ?:
wow!!! i like this post! and your idea of travel the world is amazing...will you visit italy? 8)
I wanna invite you on my blog!!my last post is about sheepskin coat 8)
if you like my blog follow me!! I always follow back <3
you guys do lead a great life...