Sunday morning
First day in a long while that we wake up to a blue sky and no rain and misty weather..
Your snaps bring sunshine and happy thougths to a frozen solid ground and monotone skyline.
Van gogh said "Winter is snow with black silhouettes"
To warm up today I will make a curried chicken.
Yesteday I made lobster trout shrimp fettucini, ginger and whote pepper made it quite nice.
Have you had the coconut cake from the dockyard bakery? I wonder if it still exists.
There is a bakery in the dockyard? I don't think it is open any longer as I never seen it. They are opening up a new bakery in Antigua Yacht Club Marina though, the Italian man behind Marios Pizzeria is opening up in a few weeks, exciting.
Your lobster fettucini sounds delicious.