daily activities

Thank you Taru for your blogg. Read the old one and wrote them all down in WORD to remind me and myself what is really important in this world. I find you very inspirational and strong. I am intruged how you managed to do so many things in your life though at a very young age. You inspire me in many ways and I can very often recognize myself in it. Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work. Love Karin
Haha wrote down the quotes and your life exeperiences in WORD is what I forgot to wrote... Anyhow
LOL skrev du verkligen ner allt i word? kul att mina historier och tankar berikat dig på ngt vis
Nope skrev inte ner ALLT i WORD men några citat och sådant jag typ tyckte var viktigt. Blev en sida om du tycker det är mycket? :D