Brazil on our mind

Bonne nouvelle que votre voyage continue....J'avais pu lire dans un blog que vous étiez sur le point de vous installer à Antigua et de vendre Duende. Alors bon vent et bravo pour le site.So long...
Doesn't make sense to me. You're just entering into Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, now you want to had South. So you hang around the Brazil coast for how long? You're now stuck there, you can't go further South because it is winter, and you can't return North beause it will be Hurrican season again. So you will be stuck inbetween for 6 months messing around Brazil. By that time Summer approaches the Southern Hemisphere and unless you plan on rounding Cape Horn the wrong way, all you can do is go to South Africa and enjoy the summer there. Or return to the Caribbean in Winter and sail to the Pacific in the Northern Hemisphere's Winter.
Brazil should be your last stop on rounding the world before you return to the Caribbean.
6 months hanging around Brazil? Good luck with that, if you think St Barts is primative compared to Europe, imagine how primitave coastal Brazil is to St Barts.
You might want to check out these sailors (fellow Suomilainen!) and their blog if you don't already have it:
They left the Caribbean and made their way down the coast of Brazil; sounded a little burly, to be honest. They've now moved on to Argentina.
Fair winds!
marine67: de quel blog s'agit-il?
anonymous: six months messing around in brazil sounds like paradise to us to begin with. Also around the equator and as far south as to 15 degrees S there are no such thing as cold winter. We would love to sail down the whole coast of Brazil to Argentina and maybe continue to Cape Horn after that but those plans are for later.
thanks for the link, anonymous 2!
It's a shame you're skipping Venezuela as I had a great time in the Orinoco delta (canoes not yachts), but understand that some have concerns about security.
At the London Boat Show one year, just before my visit, I did ask Liza Copeland, author of Just Cruising, (see what she felt about security in Venezuelan waters, and her impressions from when she sailed there was that the main problem was the smaller inner islands. She and her family visited Margarita and had no problems but it might have changed.
One blog on my blogroll might be worth looking into:
They are currently in Brazil
Interesting and lovely post.
Interesting and lovely post.
Peut-être vous avez déjà vu?!
NASA's visualising of our surface currents
Whatever the both of you decide will be just fine for us readers. Continue to inform us of the journey, the people that you meet and accent it all with your great photography. is worth a look, they are in Brazil now.
Hi Taru and Alex, There are quiet a few things to say regarding your plans...I live in Brazil now for more than 15 years (Dutch), and the last three as a live aboard on a 40ft Sailing Cat cruising the Brazilian Coast. There such lovely places to visit: Natal, Noronha, Salvador and the south of the state Bahia... pff.. enough sites for a almost a lifetime...Our plans are just going to navigate the oposite way (and including the regata Recife - Fernando de Noronha this Oct.
If you want i can give you guys some more info on Brazil via separate mail. I know of a couple (he is from the UK and she from Brazil) who are on their way in doing the exact thing that you guys are looking at.
And in the end... if it doesnt work, you can always adapt your plan... Take care, and we will be in touch. Fair winds, Pieter and Cristina. SV Onda Boa
Somehow a pity, I was looking forward to the reports from the Pacific.
Dois-je comprendre que l'info est exacte ???
Whatever you guys decide to do I say you must visit the Lencois Maranhenses National Park.
It's white sand dunes with rain water lagoons, it is pretty fantastic and out of this world.
I too was really looking forward to your photos from the Marquesas (the amazing Fatu Hiva), Rangiroa,Fakarava, and then the magical Societies... I do hope you get there eventually.
But it is your journey and you choose your own path. I hope you enjoy Brazil, and I'm sure your photos will be great wherever you may be.
Hi Taru, I am a passionate sailor since I can think back. Me and my boyfriend, we are currently living in Singapore but once we go back to Europe, we decided to take the water ways by sailing around the world to discover all these interesting destinations we haven't seen yet. I saw the picture of Jimmy Cornells book and would like to know if you guys think this is a good preparation for planning the routes. Do you maybe have other book advices or even websites?
Looking forward to your reply!
Thanks and sail on :) Marie
Hi Taru,
I am Brazilian and live in the south (27 degrees). I can tell you that it gets quite "fresh" here during the winter (June - Sept), no sun bathing or swimming for sure. I would recommend you to stay in the NE/E until at least November. Spring down here is quite wet and windy.
Best wishes,
kan absolut ingenting om segling, så kan inte uttala mig om utförandet i sig - men det låter jättespännande! hoppas det går! och ser fram emot att följa er i brasilien! :D
I've heard the book you have pictured is a must buy for cruising sailors. I can't wait until it's our turn to head off to the seas with that book!!
I think it's a great idea for sailing holidays to go south :) You won't be sorry! Enjoy!