randoms from the sea

Me parece to do un reto estar en un barco mientras llueve y hay tormentas!
Eres muy bonita Taru, super delgada y fuerte =)
what a life! glad you're able to spend time with your friend :)
Din bikini!! Måste ha! Länk tack!
You look like you were born on a boat in those pictues, scampering around light footed, laying half way off and on the boat, meanwhile the poor sister looks like she's about to vomit and made of stone. Is she not as sea worthy as you and Alex??
What does her tattoo on the wrist say/
Do they speak to each other in French in front of you and do you get angry?
What did she buy from Ralph Lauren? Those like like identical bags and packing. 2 of the same thing as gifts for two different people?
This is magnificent. xx
How stylish! I'm loving the wide-brimmed hat. Sunscreen does horrible things to my skin, so hats are my main line of defense against what people around here call 'gringo nose'.
I've actually been wondering...with all that time in a bikini, how are you avoiding a sunburn?
Hi this is an question about Paris where to stay for the weekend wich area os best or Can u recomend à nice hotel?
Best regards
bikini from Aqua de Coco and the bikini fashion shop. länk hittas bland våra annonser.
we use lots of sun block to prevent sunburns.
alexs sister doesn't like sailing as much as we do, no.
yes they speak french sometimes but that's good for me as I wouldn't learn their language otherwise. we mainly speak english together though.
you look gorgeous in that bikini, and so tan! may I ask where you got it?
I've been following your blog for about a year now, I find it so inspiring! I hope that one day I can go on an adventure like this, not exactly sailing (not sure if I can be on a boat for that long without getting seasick all the time), but I definitely want to travel the world and feel that sense of freedom that you write about so often.
And I love your photos! You two are such an inspiration, keep up the good work!
äh den finns ju inte kvar?! Grrrr....
Could you be any more chic or beautiful!?! Love your style!