are you on tumblr?

I know, the social media is rapidly taking over our lives if it hasnt already. Just that they are such incredibly good platforms for sharing art, thoughts and whatever one wish to share with the world. If you haven't checked out my tumblr page yet you might wish to do so. That's where I'll post new and old images from our journey around the world and short quotes and thoughts that crossed my mind. Much of the material will or have already been posted on this blog but this is a good substitute for the ones who are more active on tumblr. It is also a great space for me to share the images that I'm most fond of, with a new audience and it erves as a smaller, more direct space for my thoughts and inspirations. Click here to get there. The tumblr icon can also be found on the left side on this blog, under the profile picture among the other social media links.