One of the best

As we've been hands full with dirty boat job (ok mainly Alex), it is a blessing to have friends such as Reg, who almost daily in the afternoon, picks us up from our mess (largely due to fiberglass work) of a boat, and takes us to the beach. His dinghy is about ten times faster than ours so we've been able to go to the other side of the island in no time. Yesterday he took us to Happy Bay which is absolutely gorgeous, and we finalized yet another evening at Lolo's for a truly wonderful Caribbean meal. So glad we got introduced to Reggie a year or so ago. Not only did he sell our boat to us last year through his brokerage firm and helped a few of our blog readers to find their dream yacht as well, but he has also proved to be a great friend to count on.
Bonus for you women out there: This handsome, smart, generous, fun and slightly crazy man is not only a very good friend, but he's also single. Any females looking for a partner or just for some fun on a sunny, beautiful tropical island can go ahead and drop me an email and I'll introduce you! Or why not email him directly, here.