Good morning St Barts

The reinforcement job Alex has done these past few weeks has really stiffened the hull and the boat feels more solid than ever. Extremely glad it's all done and it almost feels strange knowing there will be no more moving floorboards for this time around. Which practically means that most of the hard(est) work on the boat is now finally done, nine months later. I promised to show you photos of the refitting process and I will do so one of these days when I have good Internet connection and more time to spare.
We had a slow sail over yesterday afternoon, 5-10 knots of wind from the NE which was a good direction but it still took us around four hours to get here due to the low wind force and choppy seas, and we dropped the anchor around 8 or so in the night. It gets dark in the Caribbean already around 7ish so we arrived while pitch dark and it's always amazing to then wake up in the early morning and notice a complete new, sunny and colorful world outside.
Photo above shows the view that greeted me when I climbed out through the companion way this morning.
It's so clear today that you can see all neighboring islands without a problem. That's Nevis in the background to the right behind the small islands of St Barts.
We were hoping to be able to surf a bit this time here but with one meter waves we won't get much happening, instead we shall spend the next two three days exploring a few new beaches and bays that we haven't seen before. Being the most beautiful island in the Caribbean, I think we shall be just fine whatever we choose to do. It's time for some serious relaxation before we continue South.