Night time in St Barts

Great photos, as usual.
Taru, I love the golden / amber tones in the nighttime photos. Do you use a filter on the lens to achieve this look?
Place looks amazing, been planning on visiting but leery of trekking through SMX (been there once too oftern). Thing is the hotels look like shit imo. even the best (most expensive), looks old and run down and on top of hill. Only one I see on a beach equally old and "quaint" is perhaps a better word.
Got an idea for you as you traipse through the Caribbean, visit hotels and take shots of the hotels grounds and beach etc. All hotels use photoshopped staged misleading proffesional pics on their sites, places like tripadvisor with guest photos are helpful, but most don't know how to use a camera, is probably the best but very very limited.
if you set up a site solely for photos and comments from the eye of a professional photog and tourist as you travel now and all the way through (a) the site would make more money for you than this, and (b) you're the right person to do it with your tastes and skill and experience and it's needed desparately.
Having said that what's the best beach hotel there? Not looking for a shanty, something with a real full gym is critical, on the beach and luxe bedding is all :-)
Looks so quiet and romantic!
No filter, just playing around with the settings.
Häftigt med skylten "Wästra Strandgatan" ! Visst var St Barth´s en Svensk koloni för några hundra år sedan?
Mvh Johan W