Press Sunday

There's been quite some press for our little blog lately and sometimes I forget to mention it here on the blog. This is another fine piece by our friends over at Uncommon Caribbean who this time wrote about our stay in St Barts a couple months back. Read the whole article from Uncommon Caribbean here.

It's always very interesting to read these articles from all around the globe about us and our journey. What exactly is it that we have created? The couple who live the dream, the sexy sailors, a life of freedom .. lol, if only you knew how much work there is behind this dolce vita of ours!

It's a balancing act to maintain a sense of mental freedom and live the simple life we've chosen, while at the same time nurture our online presence, this blog and the work around the boat. Sometimes I play with the thought of quitting the blog altogether to see how it really would feel to be free from that sort of work - writing and photographing that is, but I think I'd miss sharing what we encounter and also you guys very much. And compared to other job we have to deal with around here, the blog isn't such a big deal in the end.

And here's yet another article written by the German SegelReporter.