Video update..

So with age comes insights and wisdom we all know that. One such new insight I recently came across is that it isn't very charming to roll around in the sand with a seductive look now when I'm above thirty and all (at least not in public) so I've removed the sexiest slash silliest parts of this, almost year old, introduction video (as well as the last few words at the end). Although sexy can be beautiful, it's always better when done with moderation, eh? Aah thank you Internet for letting me readjusting and cleaning up my little mistakes. This isn't to say that you shouldn't crawl around in the sand in public, just that it doesn't feel quite right for myself at this point. Everyone should do what they feel happy doing.

And when does episode 2 come out you might wonder? As soon as we have some peace of mind to continue shooting. We are currently busy preparing the boat and soon setting sail for another continent so right now is not an option. We have some half done video recordings ready but haven't agreed on which direction to go as yet and as we aim for perfection it might take a few more months till we have something good enough to show you.. you'll be the first one to know of course.