Water again
really great info is starting to appear...now its getting interesting and grasping my attention. Thank you for that :) (i guess this really doesnt need to be a comment, just mostly thanking you for beginning valuable cruising information, my wife, 2 kids and i would like to start cruising next year, ..hence..."!")
Not having a sufficient watermaker in the South Pacific is going to be a real problem. You will find yourself humping water containers through the jungle from hidden fresh water springs and chasing fresh water sources on far away locations. You can't just pull up to a dock and fill-up with water like you have thus far. Your cruising life will become a story of the great water chase. Good luck. Water is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Consider swapping the scuba compressor for a good watermaker. You can live without compressed air.
Anonymous is pretty right about the water situation in the Pacific. Most islands have plenty of natural water and most atolls have none. Caribbean cruisers are spoilt for facilities.