Happy New Year

Last few days have been so very busy that I barely have had time to open the computer. Michael is arriving tomorrow so the boat should be reasonably ready before that and then we shall be sailing off from here towards Colombia a day or two after. At least that's our will. Can inform you of that we have approximately seven to ten more days of work to do on the boat that we are now trying to squeeze into two-three days so let's see how that goes but there's certainly no time to relax before we're out of here. I won't even have time to cure my hangover today. 

Above images are from last nights very cozy dinner we had at a friends friends place with an amazing view over Prickly Bay where our boat is located. It was a long and somewhat tiring day all the way until dinner was served so I completely failed in documenting the evening with my camera the way I had planned. In any case, the dinner consisted of lovely blue cheese stuffed aubergines and a sweet potato pie made by our Grenadian friend Roger. And Tony who's half Indian half Grenadian cooked us the most delicious curry chicken meal after a recipe from his Indian mother. I made two desserts: apple crumble pie with home made vanilla sauce as well as a snickers-cake. Of course I somehow managed to overcook the pie even though I for once got to use a proper oven but the vanilla sauce turned out amazingly so I shall share the recipe with you one of these days if you'd like. 

I also have a few new year thoughts I'd like to share with you in a short while, but till then, we would like to say Thank You so much for reading and following this blog, and we do hope to see and hear more from you in this New Year!

Check out how we spent our first New Year during this journey, in Las Palmas, Canaries. And here and here is how it looked last year when we celebrated in St Barts. And this is a post from a very typical New Year's party in Barcelona that was the first NYE that Alex and I celebrated together. Can with ease say that life is a lot calmer, healthier and more peaceful these days thank god. Amazing to think about the massive change that have happened in our lives and minds since then. It feels like a total other life altogether.