Time to go

New steering chain and cable connected, meatballs and lingonsylt ingested, goodbye's said to this fun crew of three Swedish sailors and we're now finally ready to go. Very excited about this leg of the journey, not only because we are finally getting to another continent, the first new one since Morocco two years ago. But also because the passage is by some considered the fourth or fifth most dangerous sailing passage in the world and affectionately known as the Cape Horn of the Caribbean. It is in particular the final part of it, the area around the mouth of Rio Magdalena 40 miles before Cartagena that is considered the roughest where the wind off the sea is said to push up large nasty waves against the outflow of the river and the contrary currents doesn't seem to make it easier. The Rio Magdalena is also known to carry all kinds of debris into the sea like trees and even dead cows so somehow we must make sure to arrive to the area in daylight.

We have picked out a reasonably good weather window and hoping to not have more than 20-25 knots of wind at most for the 460 miles/2-3 days that we have before us. But as we all know how the winds and the weather can so quickly change, we're now hoping to get up a good flow from the beginning and get there as fast as humanly possible. Just a bit more weight distribution to do on the boat and then we're out of here.