The perfect Bolognese

Along with fresh Italian pasta and a bottle of the beautiful Sardinian wine, Cabiròl, I prepare my bolognese like this. Sorry no measurements, I take what I find in the fridge:

Minced beef
Olive oil
Fresh tomatoes, maybe 2-3-4 of them.
Pepper and Salt
Chili powder
Mushrooms - Goes well with any type. I prefer Portobello.)
Sugar - This is very important, folks!
Some red wine.

Pour olive oil into a large sauce pan, press the garlic into it. Fry the garlic until golden. Add the meat.. some teaspoons of water, salt, pepper and chili powder. Fry the meat until it has completely changed color from red to brownish. Pour in the wine. Squeeze in the tomatoes, add the peal of them as well if you'd like, otherwise use only the inside of them. Add the same amount of sugar as you earlier had of salt. This is very important for bolognese so don't ever exclude it! Works also well with honey if you prefer. Honey goes by the way with anything and everything. When things look smooth and tastes good, add the mushrooms and let it all simmer for a while. When finished, add the fresh rucola and mix the sauce with the fresh pasta you had boiled on the side.