Let's go!!

Oh, this cake looks really tasty and I like the atmosphere in this picture.
Don't stress yourself too much :)
Beautifully said. Looks like a yummy cake too. Keep preparing, you will be happy when you set of and things are done....whenever it happens....Much love Mxx
Ugh, trust me - I know that mess!! Horrible! So annoying. I finally stopped cleaning up, it became a futile effort. You'll get there!! x
I feel your frustration dear! Bake, baby, BAKE!
XX stina
If Alex is not interested in that cake......
Don't stress about getting it all done. You have two years and will be bored out of your mind if you don't have projects to do.
Now if I could figure out how to meet you somewhere on your trip and get some of that cake.........
Tidy up, have a break and take a moment to remember that it is all ahead of you. The stresses of today will make the casting off in a few days time all the more worthwhile! Hang in there duck
PS I just love your blog, you are living our dreams xx
There is no shame in leaving port 2 weeks late. You must have everything checked before you go and the last place with decent repair facilities is Gibraltar.
Get it right early and test every system before passing Gibraltar.
Have you checked your compass light ? So small (most are a 2mm led) yet so important. One time I forgot to check mine and spent a month doing my penance.
Got replacemet head valves, wooden throughhull bungs, pump impellers (water and diesel), replacement bulbs for every light aboard etc etc ?
Take it slow and get it right. Boring but important.
Compass lights on the to-do-list now.
You must check them at night. Usually they cannot be seen by day even though they are on. Such a little thing, such a big consequence.
Don't rush.
Enkel med sjukt god kaka du kan göra e en vanlig sockerkaka med kanel och socker marinerade äpplen i!
Ska testa!
Nice blog you have, me and meu amor have been sailing as well along the coast in Brasil and from Venezuela to Caribien..nice (:
We are now living in my homecountry Sweden, will have our Maya in Dec, but the nerve of sailing and freedom is always there. Great Cake by the way, totally undestand you. There is always a time for baking a cake..haha.
All the best, Josefine
Two nice sailing blogs by the way, http://diario-uruz.blogspot.com/2007/08/agora-em-puerto-la-cruz-no-dia-240607.html
Hej, är du svenska ? I så fall kan vi ju prata svenska här...haha. Fast det är så många som skriver på engelska så det kanske är bättre. Är du från Stockholm eller Göteborg?
Insg detta nu när ni skrev att ni skulle säga hej då till vänner i Sverige. ser fram emot att följa er segling, vi kommer gärna med tips om ni seglar kring västindien eller kring Brasiliens kust.
Josefine (: