
Someone was asking us what is the idea with the sponsors and what influence do they have on this journey so I'll tell you about it. We decided, already in the very beginning of the preparations, that it would be suitable with some sponsors. Simply because, as you might be aware of, it is not totally inexpensive to quit working and cast off for a two year long circumnavigation. Some of the companies to whom we've been customers for a while, offered discounts on their products and we thought it would be nice if we, in return, could take the chance to mention them in one way or the other, on this blog. The other sponsors listed are companies which we've approached with an offer to sponsor our tour. We had a list of things that required greater investments and for those we've been interested to discuss sponsor opportunities - and we're glad that almost all of the brands that we've been in touch with, have been keen to participate in some way. They've agreed on participating simply because they believed in our project/us, and because they understood what the journey/blog might generate in marketing value for their brand, on a longer perspective.
We've decided to not bring in any brands to this project that does not fit our style/lifestyle/values and all of the companies we are and will be working with in the future must be such as we honestly want to be connected with. Things we would invest in anyway. As we are not in desperate need of sponsorships, we can set the rules as we like and there will never be such things as putting brands and their logos all over our boat and never would we wear nor promote brands we wouldn't spend money on, ourselves.
On the picture above, I'm wearing a cap from one of my favorite Swedish brands 'Permanent Vacation' - which is one of the lines I picked up for my fashion boutique some years ago. I was in touch with one of the designers very recently and she loved the idea of having their caps and clothes sailing around the world so they've decided to sponsor our tour with some fashionable clothing for both me and Alex. I'm happy to both wear and promote them once again, as that is a brand that I truthfully value and would wear even in the case they didn't gave us the stuff for free.
I cannot say we've only been lucky to get such great sponsors as we have, as there's obviously great work behind this project - but we're blessed to have achieved such a strong position that some of the greatest brands within, and outside of, the sailing industry - have believed in us/this project and the future of it.
Right now we're happy to announce that these brands are sponsoring The World Tour: North Sails (sails), Sperry Top Sider (shoes), Sailomat (windvane), Katadyn (watermaker), Accastillage Diffusion Barcelona (boat gear and electronics), Remoska (electrical oven), Permanent Vacation (clothing), Carol (technical production of our new website, coming up soon). Other brands mentioned in the list to the right: Hallberg Rassy and The Barcelona Guide, they're simply there as we have a personal interest in them and we would like to promote them to the extent we can.
We are thankful for the collaborations and we're anxious to bring above mentioned products and services with us around the world. Looking forward to long lasting relations with all of the companies participating.