Everyone loves The World Tour!

Photo and link from Newswinch.com
Hahahahah, that was the best comment in a long time! I think saying that everybody loves the world tour is a bit too much, but in agreement with the french portal, the pics are really good. Maybe it is time for less skin, less self-taught philosophy and more actual sailing stuff in this blog. Perhaps Alex can say a word or two? The guys is in the shadow the whole time...
I don't agree at all. This blog is a perfect mix of everything and that is why it has so many readers (including Lynn apparently - ha!). Keep it up, and please let Alex show some skin as well ;)
As said earlier, the pics are very good, and for that reason I check the blog regularly. Now, you had a very nice idea Anna, Alex's skin I would not mind at all! At the end of the day, why should only the male readers have 'treats' every so often?
By the way, I find it hilarious the comments that are not so positive get deleted by the admin.
Wow, I never stop being fascinated how many jealous people there is in this world!!!! Especially women ha ha ha!
Bon voyage Alex & Taru. Bravo pour le blog! C'est magnifique! Et votres tour du monde!! Fantastique!!!
Lynn or Alexander or Emma Nander or whatever you choose to call yourself these days: I am definitely not interested in destroying the perfect set up of this blog with my writings. As my love already does this perfectly well, there is no need to change a thing. We have different drives and talents. Tarus perfectionism and ideas are the reasons why this blog is so tremendously popular so why change a success.
My advice to you is that you should try to keep yourself together because jealousy and bitterness are the ugliest faces a human being can show to others. You will destroy yourself if you keep on like that.
Alex and Taru
Taru's observations and feelings make this blog so different than the normal GoneToSeaBlog. The fotos are very well done. Having a glimpse into your lives is a joy. Having two talented people as yourselves is an absolute treat as we watch you do, what we wished we could.
"If it works, don't fix it!"
Keep all the splendid work. As, these things, -are-, alot of work.
"Empty Pockets"
Woodbury Mn
Lynn: You'd be surprised to know that, although I'm a woman, pictures of Taru is a treat for me too. You don't have to be lesbian to appreciate female beauty.
I think you should listen to Alex and do something about your jealousy. It's not pretty.